Exciting things here at the Adventure Cave. With my youngest youngling graduating high school and all the other changes in my life I have an opportunity to change my location. I've wanted to move west. There is so much to see and do in that half of the country. Plus, I've never chosen where I live. I grew up in Indiana (which I love) and was moved to Georgia as a teenager. From there the events of my life, momentum and a little fear anchored me to north Atlanta.
So, now that I can (and have mustered the courage to) move, I'm shipping myself off to Colorado. West Denver, to be more specific. My boss is able to allow me to work out of our Denver office, so that gives a nice bit of safety. So in June, off I'll go.
I'll be leaving some family and a bunch of really good friends behind, but I will still get to seem them every so often. Plus our wondrous connected world makes them easy to stay in touch with. I have a few friends already in Denver, but even without them, I'd still go.
Now for the "fun" parts of arranging movers, finding a place to live, ..., ..., ...
One of the things that will have to go, unfortunately, is the trailer project. As much as I love the trailer and my plans for it, it just doesn't fit into my life as it is. Hopefully, after I settle in Denver I can pick up a similar project that is more in line with what I want now.
So, I'll probably post more about my move later. Until then, wish me luck!
Bonus Track:
Today's bonus track comes from the DC area band Tone. I have a brother-in-law who is a member of it, and I love their complex instrumentals.