Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014, a Eulogy

On new years eve I posted a snarky year end review:

Year end review:
Some stuff I wanted to happen happened. 
Some stuff I did not want to happen happened. 
Some stuff I wanted to happen didn't. 
Some stuff I did not want to happen didn't. 
Kind of what I expected.

While entirely accurate (and reusable) it fails to communicate how much 2014 changed the world around me.

It started with me being forced to watch the final destruction of my life as it was, with no option but to as fair and honest as I could during the cleanup.  I withstood an enormous amount of anger and blame, much more than I deserved.  I hurt more in a few months time than I had in the previous four decades combined.

Despite all of that I had the counter-acting agent of amazing family and friends.  I found that I have a support system far greater than I realized.  I will never be able to adequately express how valuable these people are to me.  I would not be functional right now, let alone happy without them.  With their support I was able to take the biggest step in rebuilding my life, moving to another state.

I've been able to make a little place for myself here in Colorado.  I have an environment I can be happy in, activities I can participate in and enjoy, and have made new friends (some of whom I've come to care about very much).  There are still gaping holes I need to fill, but things never happen as quickly as you want them to.  That's what 2015 is for.

Be good, have fun.

Bonus Track:

Seems appropriate.

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